Managed servers - find your ideal server plan

All-inkl server XLv6

Our team administers and monitors the ALL‑INKL Managed Servers, so you don't need any Linux skills.


Monthly charges 199,95 €* EU prices
One-time setup fee 99,95 €** EU prices
Harddrive The given value refers to the entire harddrive. Approx. 90% are available as webspace. 2 TB SSD (RAID 5)
Processor Intel® Xeon™
4 processor cores
8 with hyper-threading
Memory (RAM) 64 GB
Monthly Traffic Traffic is included in this plan and is not charged separately. Traffic FLAT


Inclusive DomainsThis amount of domains is already included in the plan's price. You can choose from the following top-level domains: .de, .at, .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .eu, .ch,,, .li, .us, .dk, .ws, .it,, .be, .nl, .name, .in, .es, .mobi 3
Additional domains Upcharge
Subdomains js
Wildcard subdomains js

Web space

Accounts possible You can divide your webspace into subaccounts and assign available resources to them. Every subaccount gets a separate KAS login. 1000
Additional FTP Users You can create multiple FTP users for every account whose access can be restricted to particular subfolders via username and password. ja
SSH AccessYou have the possibility to access data on your accounts via secure shell (SSH). ja
WebDisk (Online Storage) WebDisk: You can mount your webspace on your local computer as a network drive and use it as online storage. You can also access your WebDisk via web browser. 1000 Users


POP3-email accounts Send and receive emails with a full-featured email address matching your domain name, e.g. ja
IMAP-email accounts Emails remain on the server and can be maintained from different clients. ja
Catchall-email account Catch-all email account for all emails that are sent to any possible email address of your domain. No email will get lost anymore. ja
E-Mail-forwarding The forwarding can also point to multiple addresses. ja
Autoresponder In case of absence emails can be answered automatically (e.g. to inform the sender that you are currently on vacation). ja
E-Mail-spam filter Includes default filters, spam databases and custom filter rules. The spam protection is included in this plan. The filters for each email account can be configured separately inside respective webmail client. ja
E-Mail-virus filter The virus definitions are updated regularly. The virus protection is included in the plan. The filters can be separately configured for each email account via the respective webmail access. ja
Mailing lists We use Majordomo as mailing list software. ja


PHP PHP including lots of modules is installed. ja
Perl Custom CGI scripts are possible. ja
Python ja
SSI (Server Side Include) Is mainly used for inserting file content or dynamic output of a CGI script into a website. ja
MySQL/MariaDB You can set up and maintain MySQL/MariaDB databases for yourself. ja
CronJobs (at least every minute) Cronjobs are included in the plan without any extra charges. ja
.htaccess You have full access to the .htaccess file (password protection, rewrite rules, error pages,...). ja


POP3s The extension of POP3 by SSL encryption. ja
IMAPs The extension of IMAP by SSL encryption. ja
HTTPS via an own certificate Entered data on your website will be transmitted with an up to 256bit encryption using a certificate which is directly issued in your name. The following costs are thereby incurred:

SSL certificate:
- 1 year duration: 99.00 €*
SSL wildcard certifikate
- 1 year duration: 359.00 €*
SSL certifikate with dedicated IP
- 1 year duration:: 149.00 €*
SSL wildcard certifikate with dedicated IP
- 1 year duration:: 399.00 €*
Upcharges per additional subdomain or IP
- 1 year duration: 50.00 €*
- each extra year: 25.00 €*

Prices include creation, setup and certification. In case of renewal the full price has to be paid again.
Let's Encrypt SSL certificate There is the option to protect websites using SSL, e.g. by setting up free Let's Encrypt certificates. Data that is entered on your website can be transmitted in encrypted form.
further details


Software-Installer We provide the possibility to install various open source software on your webspace. This can be realized with only a few clicks from inside your KAS panel. You can choose from different CMS, blogs, forum software, image galleries, online shops and many more. ja
DNS Settings You have access to the settings of the domain name system. ja
DDNS With a dynamice DNS connection you can access other computers via the internet (e.g. your computer at home). The connection can be established via freely definable subdomains (e.g. home.yourdomain.tld). 500
Statistics evaluation With Webalizer 2.x you can keep an eye on all accesses to your webspace. ja
Daily log files Via FTP you have access to all HTTP and FTP log files of your account. ja
Data backup There are automated routines in order to backup the data of the accounts, especially MySQL and FTP. The automatic backups and making the data available is a voluntary service. There is no legal claim on the availability of the data backups.
further details on data backups


KAS-Webinterface Comfortable administration of your account via web interface. ja
MembersArea Comfortable administration of your contract data. ja
WebMail Via our webmail interface your have the option to access your emails from anyplace in the world. ja
WebFTP Via our WebFTP interface your have the option to access your FTP data from anyplace in the world. ja
WebDisk Via our WebDisk interface you have the option access the data on your network drive from anywhere in the world. ja
PhpMyAdmin easy administration of your MySQL/MariaDB databases via web browser ja
Monitoring Monitoring the utilization of system resources such as hard disk, memory, CPU and traffic, as well as management of updates to the server's operating system. ja
KAS-API API interface for the technical administration of the account using custom scripts. ja

Customer support

Email support ja
24/7 customer support hotline ja
Business support Customers can reach us via a specific phone number as well as a specific email address and get priority support at any time of the day. ja



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    Several high-performance networks ensure excellent accessibility to your online presence.

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    The company exclusively stores all data on servers located in Germany.

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    We offer flexible solutions for your web hosting, server, and domain needs.