Frequently asked questions and answers

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Here you can find important information about our hosting services.

General topics

What support options are available to customers?

On our website, we inform you about our tariffs and give you answers to frequently asked questions.

You can also reach us by phone; our email support is available around the clock. You can find our contact details here. We look forward to being able to advise you on the phone and by email.

How do I participate in the affiliate program?

To participate in the Affiliate Program you must be our customer. Please subscribe as an affiliate on our website, and you can implement an advertising banner on your website. If visitors to your website order one of our plans by clicking on this banner, you will get a commission 6 weeks after receipt of payment from the recruited customer.

What are reseller offers?

As a reseller, you take over the tasks and duties of a provider yourself. Therefore, you receive domains at even lower prices, but you are the direct contact person for your customers. We completely hand over the domain administration to you as a reseller by providing you access to our domain ordering system.

Which admin panel is used by ALL-INKL.COM - what does KAS mean?

You get access to our own admin panel, "KAS". This self-developed software provides access to your account's most important technical settings. In the KAS panel (Technical Administration), you can set up domains, email addresses and databases, among other things. You can access the KAS panel at:

Where are the data centres of ALL‑INKL.COM located?

ALL-INKL.COM has several of its own data centres, which are all located in Dresden. Therefore, all customer data is solely stored in Germany. Further information about our data centres and server location in Germany can be found here.

Is it possible to activate a two-factor authentication?

We offer two-factor authentication (2FA) as an additional security measure for logging into the Members Area, KAS (Technical Administration) panel and WebMail. In doing so, you then use a one-time password and your regular password to log in. You need a corresponding app on your smartphone/tablet to generate the one-time password. The activation is done in the Members Area under "Password" -> "Two-factor authentication". In the KAS (Technical Administration) panel, the activation is possible under "Settings" -> "KAS Password" and in WebMail under "Settings" -> "Change Password".


How can I obtain a new activation code?

If you have lost your activation code, you can request a new one directly from inside your contract administration panel (Members Area) under the menu item 'Home'. Simply enter your mobile number instead of the activation code, and the activation code will be sent again by SMS.

How do I use the activation code?

The activation code is used to confirm your online order. When you order a new contract, you must state whether the activation code should be sent to you by SMS or mail. You can enter the activation code directly after placing your online order (the website appears when you have sent the order). Alternatively, you will receive a prompt to enter the activation code directly on the start page of your contract administration panel (Members Area).

Can I order the ALL‑INKL PRIVAT plan despite it being for a company or association?

Of course, you can, as we don't want to draw any lines for our customers regarding this.

How long does the deployment of a dedicated ManagedServer take?

The deployment can take up to 2 to 4 weeks. Usually, it doesn't take long, but this cannot be guaranteed. After the deployment, you will get an email with the login credentials for your server, and you can then tell us your individual customisation wishes.

Are there any discount options, and what are the payment terms?

You can find further information on this topic here.

How do I change my bank details?

The bank details can be changed directly in the contract administration panel (Members Area) under 'Customer Data' - 'Banking Information'.

New invoices will be debited from this bank account. If you want to settle already outstanding payments, please click on 'Here you can find further information' - 'Authorize direct debit'.

How and when can I change my plan?

You can change plans at any time. You can find an exact tutorial here.

Can I add more web space to my current plan?

No, we don't provide an option to add more web space. By upgrading your plan (if possible), you can get more web space.

How do I change the owner of a contract?

Both the current contract owner and the new contract owner need to agree to the owner change. For the process of changing the contract owner, the contract owner change form is necessary. This form can be found inside the Members Area.

How and when can I cancel my contract?

You can cancel your contract as soon as all domains of your contract are deleted or transferred to another provider. The cancellation is independent of the selected prepayment period. Please note that, in case of cancellation, there will be no refunds of payments you have already settled. Detailed instructions on how to cancel your contract can be found here.


How can I add additional domains to my current contract?

We recommend our step-by-step tutorial to registering a new domain.

How long does it take until my domain is registered?

The registration process itself usually takes only a few minutes. However, experience has shown that it can take between 6 and 48 hours before the domain is 100% accessible via us. This depends on the respective Internet service provider and cannot be affected or accelerated by us.

How do I transfer an already existing domain to ALL-INKL.COM?

We have several tutorials for the most common top-level domains, which explain step by step how exactly a domain change works. Since it's a bit different, depending on the domain ending, it's not possible to generalise the transfer procedure.

Transfer of a .de domain
Transfer of an .at domain
Transfer of a .com, net, org, info, biz, us, name domain
Transfer of an .eu domain

If you are already a customer of our service, we recommend our step-by-step tutorial.

How do I cancel a domain or transfer it to another provider?

You can find a detailed tutorial on how to cancel or transfer a domain here.

What do I have to consider for domains with umlauts?

Since 2004, it has been possible to register so-called IDN domains (Internationalized Domain Names) for the top-level domain .de, which means you can also register domains with umlauts.

However, before you choose such a domain, please note that there are still browsers which cannot render such domains by default. Particularly, sending emails to email addresses containing umlaut domains is still not possible with some email clients.

If you want to register a domain with umlauts, we recommend registering the version of the same domain name without umlauts. (Example: "meine-schö" as well as "")

How do I get the authorisation code (EPP code) for my domain?

You can get the EPP code from the hosting provider with which the domain is currently registered. You can tell us the code by email ( or directly enter it inside your Members Area.

The other way around, in case of a transfer to another hosting provider, you can request the EPP code from us.

Who becomes the holder / admin-c of domains?

If a company orders a contract, the company will automatically become the holder of the domains included in the contract. The contact person stated during the ordering process automatically becomes the admin-c of these domains and, thus, the company's authorised representative. That person bindingly decides on all affairs related to the domain(s). In case a private individual orders a contract, he/she is a holder as well as admin-c by default.

How and where do I send the forms?

We accept forms by fax, e-mail and post. You can find our contact details here. Alternatively, you can also upload forms as PDF files in your MembersArea under "Support".

How do I redirect a registered domain to another domain?

Your web admin can use one of the following tutorials:

Forwarding via KAS redirect (The target domain will be shown in the browser's address bar.)
#ANLEITUNG:80:Forwarding via .htaccess redirect# (The target domain will be shown in the browser's address bar.)
#ANLEITUNG:78:Forwarding via HTML meta refresh# (The target domain will be shown in the browser's address bar.)

How should the index file be named?

Your website's index file should always be named index.html, index.htm or index.php. If there are no such files inside the directory to be accessed, you will get the error message "Forbidden".

Using an .htaccess file, you have the option to define contrary index files. You can create the required command for this using our .htaccess generator, for example:

.htaccess Generator

The .htaccess file must be created inside the directory to which the changes should apply.

How does the domain check work?

This query determines whether a domain is already registered with the responsible body. We do not guarantee the displayed result's correctness nor the success of a domain registration or domain transfer from another provider ordered in your name.

The number of domain queries you can perform is limited for security reasons. A temporary query lock will be issued if the number of domain checks you perform exceeds the limit. In this case, please perform a new query after one hour at the earliest.

Do you provide SSL encryption for domains?

You can obtain your own SSL certificate for your domain from us. This will be issued directly to your domain. The encryption is available for "" and "". The certificate has to be ordered by email order. You can find the prices for the SSL certificate setup under Upcharges.

You can alternatively use a Let's Encrypt certificate. The option is included for free in many plans. Otherwise, you can order it inside your MembersArea. The activation can be done inside your KAS (Technical Administration) panel.

Another alternative is the use of a self-signed SSL certificate. This option is available for free in many plans. Otherwise, you can order it inside your MembersArea. The activation can be done inside your KAS (Technical Administration) panel. Since a self-signed SSL certificate has not been issued and confirmed by an official certification authority, a warning message will be shown when your website is called up with the web browser. Therefore, a self-signed certificate is only suitable for private uses and not, for example, for online shops.


How can I manage the database?

You can use the available phpMyAdmin tool. This is already preinstalled on our servers. You can access phpMyAdmin via https://yourdomain/mysqladmin/ in your browser. Please note that the database needs to be set up in the KAS (Technical Administration) panel beforehand.

Is there an option to use a different SQL aside from MySQL?

Yes, we also provide MariaDB and SQLite. Other SQL, such as PostgreSQL or MSSQL, is not provided by us.

Is it possible to access all databases simultaneously using phpMyAdmin?

No. Due to security reasons, this is not possible. Each database always has a separate backend. Your browser may save the current login so you can only log in to another database when you click on [Exit] in phpMyAdmin.

Can I define a custom database name?

No. The database name is always equal to the username. The system automatically assigns usernames. You can label the database with a description for a better overview in the KAS panel.

How do I back up my database?

You can find instructions on how to back up databases (using different tools/scripts) here:

Database Backup

How do I restore a database backup?

You have the following options:

- directly inside the phpMyAdmin > tutorial link
- using HeidiSQL > #ANLEITUNG:420:tutorial link#

How do I copy the data from one database to another?

You can use the account transfer tool inside your KAS (Technical Administration) panel. The exact procedure is described here:

Database Transfer


Is it possible to have separate email addresses for each domain name?

Yes. You can set up email addresses for each domain registered with our service. The same applies to subdomains. Email addresses can be easily set up in your KAS (Technical Administration) panel.

Can I check my emails online?

To access your emails from any computer, even if there's no email program installed, you can use our webmail client (ALL-INKL.COM WebMail).

What can I do against spam and viruses?

Spam and virus filters are already included in all current web hosting packages. The filters can be configured directly inside the WebMail

In addition, you can find a tutorial on how to configure the spam and virus filters.

Please note that catch-all addresses ( and aliases such as webmaster@ or info@ are usually more affected by spam than firstname.lastname@, for instance!

Is email push supported?

In every plan that supports IMAP and with every email program that supports IMAP IDLE, emails will show up instantly in your email client as soon as an email arrives.

Is there a size limit for email attachments?

Email attachments must not be larger than 100 MB.

What are the email host addresses?

Please use the following data in your email client:

Incoming Mailserver:

POP3: <your-login>
IMAP: <your-login>

Outgoing Mailserver:

SMTP: <your-login>

Please replace <your-login> with the login name of your KAS (Technical Administration) panel e.g. w00....

The ports are as follows:

POP3: 110
POP3S: 995

IMAP: 143
IMAPS: 993

SMTP: 25 (alternative port 587)
SMTPS: 465

Is it possible to receive and send emails via an encrypted connection?

It's possible via TLS/SSL. The email server allows you to establish a secure connection with your email client. You can use our server's certificate for free to that end.

Tutorials (for Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) can be found here

Where do I define the default folders such as "Sent", "Drafts", "Trash", and "Junk" for my email accounts?

Default folders are only available for IMAP email accounts. Inside your  WebMail you can define the default folders. Furthermore, you have the option to enable XLIST for your email accounts in the KAS panel. This is especially recommended if you use multiple email clients for the same mailbox.

I'm not able to send emails. What could be the reason?

1. Check the settings of the firewall and the antivirus program to see if they are blocking the connection to the SMTP server.

2. The SMTP default port is 25. Please try the alternative port 587.

3. Check the account settings inside your email client, especially the setting determining if the SMTP outgoing server needs authentication. If this option is disabled, please enable it and enter your email login credentials if necessary.

Please also take account of our tutorials for the most common email clients:

Tutorials for email clients


Does ALL-INKL.COM provide a website builder?

We also provide a website builder. With this, you can create your own website quickly and easily without any coding skills. The websites created are optimised for mobile devices and can be easily created using drag-and-drop.

Here is an overview of the available templates:

Templates included in our website builder

you can find some website builder-related assistance here:

Website builder assistance

Which PHP and MySQL/MariaDB versions are available?

New customers will get up-to-date versions of MySQL/MariaDB by default.

As a rule, multiple preinstalled PHP versions are available on our servers. Select the desired PHP version in your KAS (Technical Administration) panel. You just need to click the 'Edit' icon next to the domain or subdomain you want to change the PHP version. There, you can find a list of the available PHP versions.

Please note that changing the PHP version or a different server software may require an update of your scripts or web software. Therefore, please check the functionality of your websites yourself afterwards!

Is it possible to securely connect to my FTP web space?

Yes, it's possible. Our servers support an "explicit" FTPs connection (FTP using SSL/TLS). You can find the option for FTPs in your FTP client in the connection settings, provided this client supports it.

SFTP (via SSH/shell access) is available on all dedicated ManagedServers and in all web hosting plans ordered in 2011 or later with this feature listed in the plan's details. Please note that you need to use port 22 for SFTP. The username is the login name of the SSH user (ssh-w0XXXXX). You can find it in the KAS panel of your main account under 'Tools' -> SSH access.

Is it possible to use functions such as exec(), system() oder shell_exec()?

Yes, it's possible.

How can I use SSI?

To use SSI on our servers, you need to create an .htaccess file inside the FTP root folder of your domain with the following content:

AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Options +Includes

Does ALL-INKL.COM provide SSH or telnet access?

You can use SSH access on all ManagedServers ordered from 2011 onwards and in web hosting plans that have this listed in their plan's details. Here, you can find an overview of all SSH commands available on our servers.

Am I allowed to install a chat?

On dedicated ManagedServers, it's no big deal. However, in our common web hosting plans, you cannot install a chat for performance reasons. But you can link a chat which is installed on an external server.

How do I use HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 is supported with Apache 2.4 or higher. As far as you have a web hosting plan at ALL‑INKL.COM, and your account is located on a server with an older Apache version, the account needs to be moved to another server. On dedicated ManagedServers, we can conduct an upgrade of the server's software.

Please note that browsers only support HTTP/2 if HTTPS is enabled on your website. You, therefore, also need an SSL certificate for the respective domain or subdomain for which HTTP/2 should be used.

Commissioned Data Processing

What does "commissioned data processing" mean regarding web hosting?

In addition to arranging and administrating Internet domains for the web hosting customer, the core business of a web hosting service provider is to provide the customer with computing capacity on servers connected to the Internet. The web hosting provider keeps these storage spaces available, connected to the Internet, and administered and maintained. Technical support services are also provided to the customer, and digital products are available. If the customer loads personal data onto the storage space provided to him (which is initially "empty") for the purposes determined exclusively by him, then the processing of personal data of the customer by the customer or, more significantly, of personal data of third parties by the customer occurs on this storage space. To the extent that the web hosting provider assists the customer in these processing operations, such as creating a backup, "repairing" databases, or restoring or deleting files, this is regularly not done for the web hosting provider's own purposes but exclusively for the customer's purposes. The customer is the "master" of this data. The web hosting provider then acts exclusively "on behalf of" and "on orders from" the customer. The provider then is a "commissioned data processor" pursuant to Sec. 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Does it also affect the customer's contract data?

No. Insofar as the web hosting service provider collects data from the customer to conclude and fulfil the web hosting contract with the customer, for example, by recording the customer's name, address, e-mail address, and possibly other required contractual and communication data, then the web hosting provider acts for its own purposes and free of instructions from the customer under data protection law. This processing of personal contract data, billing data and usage data for its own purposes is, in any case, free from instructions under data protection law for the web hosting provider for the preparation and execution of the contract. This does not constitute commissioned processing according to the customer's instructions within the meaning of the GDPR.

Is a web hosting contract not enough?

No, if it's a case of commissioned data processing, not by any means. In addition to the main contract under civil law and the web hosting contract, the law requires a further contract under data protection law relating to commissioned data processing between the web hosting provider as the contractor and the customer as the client pursuant to Sec. 28 of the GDPR.

What is personal data?

"Personal data" is, according to the legal definition in Sec. 4 No. 1 of the GDPR, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. This person is referred to by law as the "data subject".

Do IP addresses belong to personal data?

In principle, yes. An IP address, without the use of which it is not possible to call up Internet pages, is also generally regarded as a personal data item because it is possible in certain cases to identify a person "standing" behind an IP address, even if the IP address is assigned to an Internet user by his or her Internet service access provider in a constantly changing ("dynamic") manner.

What is the processing of personal data?

"Processing" within the meaning of the law means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automated procedures, such as collection, recording, organisation, filing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Is web hosting always commissioned data processing?

Anyone who operates a website often uses an external service provider to host the website. Personal data transmitted when visiting a website is then processed by the hoster, i.e. in this case, usually on behalf of the site operator as a service provider. Both contracting parties must conclude a commissioned data processing agreement if and because a "commissioned data processing" objectively exists. There is no freedom of both parties to waive the conclusion of the commissioned data processing agreement. Failure to conclude it is against the law.

Web hosting is not always commissioned data processing. If, for example, the customer merely orders an Internet domain to operate the mail server provided without, for example, creating a database or operating a website, then putting this Internet-connected technology at the customer's proposal is not in itself commissioned data processing. This is because the web hosting provider does not "do" anything else and does not provide any services that require its access to the customer's personal data. Even telephone support is only explanatory user support and is not a commissioned data processing activity. It is possible that the customer's activity, especially in the private sector, is excluded from the application of the GDPR.

We, therefore, recommend concluding a processing contract with us for this case as well, just to be on the safe side, because the customer's usage behaviour can change quickly. With a commissioned data processing agreement, the customer and the web hosting provider are on the safe side.

Without including the supplementary "Contractual Terms and Conditions on Commissioned Processing in the Web hosting Contract", the customer cannot conclude a web hosting contract with ALL‑INKL.COM by default. In this way, the customer fulfils his responsibility under data protection law for the processing of personal data initiated by him as soon as he uses web hosting products or services of ALL‑INKL.COM within the scope of application of the GDPR after the conclusion of the contract. The same shall apply to ALL‑INKL.COM.

The customer can also initiate the conclusion of a commissioned data processing agreement inside the (Members Area) under the menu item 'Customer Data' -> 'Commissioned data processing agreement' in an electronic format, insofar as the customer has not yet concluded a commissioned data processing agreement or has not had to conclude one.

What has to be included in a commissioned data processing agreement?

As the minimum legal requirement, the law requires the contents of Sec. 28(3) of the GDPR for the conclusion of a contract. In formal terms, the law mentions the written form. This means original signatures on paper. The law also allows processing in an "electronic format".

The contractual terms and conditions regarding the commissioned data processing in the web hosting contract are pre-formulated by ALL‑INKL.COM and are not individually negotiated because ALL-INKL.COM offers standard products. The contractual clauses pre-formulated by ALL‑INKL.COM are in accordance with the text of the EU Commission's Implementing Decision 2021/915 of June 4, 2021, and thus comply with the legal requirements of Section 28 (3) and (4) of the GDPR. For this reason, ALL‑INKL.COM considers the terms and conditions provided to be in compliance with the law and, therefore, not subject to negotiation.

How do I conclude a commissioned data processing agreement for my web hosting plan?

As of 19/09/2022, with each new order, in addition to the General Terms and Conditions of ALL‑INKL-COM, the supplementary "Contractual Terms and Conditions on Commissioned Data Processing in the Webhosting Contract" of ALL‑INKL.COM shall be included in the conclusion of the web hosting contract. The commissioned data processing agreement is thus concluded upon order by sending the order confirmation to the customer, including these supplementary contractual conditions. Without including the supplementary terms and conditions in the electronic commissioned data processing, the customer cannot, in principle, conclude a web hosting contract with ALL‑INKL.COM.

For contracts before 19/09/2022, it was the customer's initiative and responsibility to conclude a commissioned data processing agreement with ALL‑INKL.COM as soon as the customer processes personal data on ALL‑INKL.COM's storage spaces. For these legacy contracts, the customer has the option, if it has not already done so, to conclude a commissioned data processing agreement with ALL‑INKL.COM via its contract administration interface (Members Area) with the customer number and password under the menu item 'Customer Data'. However, this is only possible in an electronic format on the pre-formulated "Terms and Conditions of Contract on Commissioned Data Processing in Web Hosting Contract" by ALL‑INKL.COM. In the PDF created after sending the form, the text of the contract will be individualised with the name and customer number of the customer. It will be permanently available to the customer under 'Customer Data' -> 'Commissioned data processing agreement'. The customer can view and download the main contract (applicable General Terms and Conditions and selected web hosting plan) under 'Contract Administration'.

Can I also demand a contract including my individualised terms?

No. Since we are a "bulk business", we specify the web hosting provider, content, and conditions in pre-formulated contract terms. This ensures proper handling of the contract processing cases by our employees, who can rely on a text. The contents of the contract are also prescribed by law so that in the case of standardised services, individual regulations are usually not even necessary. We can only offer the conclusion of the contract free of charge in case of pre-formulated contract terms.

Is it possible to revoke an already concluded commissioned data processing agreement?

Yes. The customer has the option to disagree with the use of the supplementary "Contractual Terms and Conditions on Commissioned Data Processing in the Web Hosting Contract" in text form towards ALL‑INKL.COM if he uses the supplies and services within the scope of the concluded web hosting contract, but does not have any personal data processed by ALL‑INKL.COM or only performs activities outside the scope of Sec. 2 of the GDPR. Upon receipt of such a revocation, ALL‑INKL.COM shall examine whether ALL‑INKL.COM agrees to the cancellation of the applicability of the "Contractual Terms and Conditions on Commissioned Processing in the Web Hosting Agreement". The customer shall provide reasons for the revocation; however, ALL‑INKL.COM shall not provide legal advice to the customer in this respect.