Evaluation Possibilities: Traffic

Step 1:

Log in to your KAS (Technical Administration) panel and click the menu item Statistics on the left.

Step 2:

Now click on the Data traffic tab. Here you can find the following information:

Here you can find a list of the accounts and the included domains/subdomains.

HTTP traffic:
It shows the amount of data that has been transferred when people call up your domain and visit your website. The HTTP traffic includes all the content which is displayed in the visitor's web browser (HTML sites, PHP scripts, images, etc.)

HTTP hits:
Shows the number of hits for the domain. For instance, if you have published 1 HTML-based website that contains 5 images, then 6 hits are generated when the website is called up. The HTML site itself and the 5 images are requested from the server. Therefore, the hits do not represent the number of visitors of your website. The number of visitors can be found inside the website's evaluation statistics (usage).

FTP traffic:
Shows the amount of data that has been transferred via FTP. It contains all files and folders that have been downloaded or uploaded using an FTP client.

FTP hits:
Shows the number of requests your FTP client has made when connected to the server. Each transferred file causes 1 FTP hit.

Total data traffic:
Shows the entire traffic of both HTTP and FTP.

Total hits:
Shows the entire number of hits of both HTTP and FTP.

Step 3:

In order to show the statistics of a different month, please click the dropdown field Select timescale in the upper right section of the screen and select the desired month.

An evaluation of how many visitors called up your websites(s) and from which country, can be found in the "usage" folder - here's an example: https://www.yourdomain.com/usage/. The evaluation statistics does only exist if you have activated logs and statistics for your account beforehand in your KAS (Technical Administration) panel. The evaluation statistics show much more details, e.g. how often a specific page has been called at which date and time and from which country the visitor came. Please note that you should basically protect the "usage folder" with a username and password which can be set up in your KAS (Technical Administration) panel under the menu item TOOLS / DIRECTORY PROTECTION. This prevents strangers from getting information on the page impressions of your website.
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