Account Transfer: Database transfer
Step 1:
Please ask the other provider whether external database access is granted. If this isn't the case, you have to export the database in a different way using the available options at the previous provider.Step 2:
Log in to your KAS (Technical Administration) panel (Technical Administration) and click the menu item Tools.Step 3:
Select the subitem Account Transfer.Step 4:
Choose Transfer databases.Step 5:
Now enter the login data of the source database in the respective fields. This data corresponds to the login credentials of your previous provider or database. Then click on Check connection.Step 6:
Now you should get an overview which is similar to the one shown above.Please select all tables that should be transferred. Then click Start synchronisation.
Step 7:
The progress of the transfer is shown in the list. Please wait until it's complete.Search in support and FAQ