Account Transfer: FTP data transfer
Step 1:
If you want to transfer FTP data from one KAS account to another account of the same webhosting contract, please log in to the KAS (Technical Administration) panel of your main account.If the FTP data should be transferred from an external server to ALL-INKL.COM, you need to log in to the KAS panel of the destination account.
Log in to your KAS (Technical Administration) panel and click the menu item Tools.
Step 2:
Select the subitem Account Transfer.Step 3:
Choose FTP data.Step 4:
Now enter the login data of the source account in the respective fields. This data corresponds to the FTP login data of your previous provider or account. Then click on Check connection.In case you are inside the KAS pane of your main account and the source account is also part of the same webhosting contract, then you simply need to select source and destination account from the drop-down fields and you don't need to enter the FTP login credentials manually.
Step 5:
The Source path is equal to the folder in which the to be transferred data is located on the source account. In the case the data is located in the root directory, please leave this field blank.If there are any folders you don't want to transfer, you can enter them in the Exclude directories field.
The Destination path is the name of the folder on the destination account into which the data should be transferred. If you don't enter a folder, the data will be transferred into the root directory.
Click Continue.
Step 6:
You can Create a logfile if you want. If you choose yes, a transfer log will be stored inside the "logs" folder on the destination account.By setting Replace existing files to yes, files with the same name on the destination account will be overwritten. If you select no, files with the same name will be ignored / skipped.
The Search & replace field provides the option to replace text passages (e.g. login names in paths) in .php, .htm, .html, .css, .txt, .js, .cfg, .ini, .csv, .rtx, .rtf, .sql and .htaccess files on the fly. The text in the left field will be replaced with the text in the right field.
You can additionally determine a Confirmation email address to where an email is sent as soon as the transfer is completed.
Click Continue.
Step 7:
Then you should get the above message.Search in support and FAQ