Cronjobs: Setup

Step 1:

Please note that cronjobs are not available in all webhosting plans. In that case, you can either order the additional option inside your Members Area or upgrade to a higher plan that already has cronjobs included.

Step 2:

Log in your KAS (Technical Administration) panel and click the menu item Tools -> Cronjobs on the left side.

Step 3:

In the upper right section, now click on Add a cronjob.

Step 4:

In the Log / Path field, please enter the direct URL to the script to be executed and enter a Comment.

You can either specify the Time of executionor the Execution interval.

In case the folder where the script for the cronjob is located has a directory protection, you need to enter the login data under Advanced settings as HTTP user and HTTP password.

If the script generates an output which you would like to receive by email, please enter your email address. If you don't want to receive an email if a certain term occurs in the script's output, you can determine that term in the Email filter field.

Finally, hit the Save button.

Step 5:

Please note: Setting up a cronjob is onky possible in the KAS (Technical Administration) panel and the script must be executable via HTTP.

In case you want to execute shell scripts or shell commands, please create an additional script first using this tutorial: Executing shell scripts

You can determine this script later in the cronjob settings of your KAS (Technical Administration) panel.
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