DNS Tools: How to change the MX-record using an IP address

Step 1:

The domain and the email addresses for which you want to change the MX record must be set up on the destination server. If not, the emails will not be delivered. After the change it could take up to 3 or 4 hours until the new settings are active.

To get the MX records to work properly and to avoid local email deliveries, all email addresses, email forwardings and mailing lists of the affected domain must be deleted inside the KAS panel.

Log in to your KAS panel and click on Tools -> DNS Settings.

Click the Edit icon right next to the domain and then click on #Add a new DNS record.

Step 2:

You need to add an A-record first. In the Name field, please enter "mail". The Type is A and the Priority remains 0. Then enter the new IP address in the Data.

Step 3:

After the A-record has been entered, you now need to alter the default MX record.

Step 4:

Replace <your-login>.kasserver.com with "mail.your-domain.com" and hit Save.
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