CalDAV - Calendars: How to show the calendar settings in WebMail

Step 1:

Log in to your WebMail using your email address and the related password.

Step 2:

In the upper menu, click the Calendar icon.

Step 3:

Create a new calendar by clicking on Add calendar.

Step 4:

Determine a new name for your new calendar as you choose and select a color in which the calendar entries should be displayed. Click OK and the calendar will be created.

Step 5:

After the calendar has been created, rightclick on the calendar name und choose Share calendar.

Step 6:

Now you can see the information needed in order to set up your calendar with the respective clients via CalDAV.

You still need a password for the CalDAV access to your calendar. Click on Edit calendar and you can determine an individual password for the calendar.

Step 7:

Here you can determine a New password. Confirm the change by clicking the OK button.
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