DNS Tools: Teamspeak 3

Step 1:

Log in to your KAS (Technical Administration) panel and click on Tools -> DNS Settings. Click the Edit icon right next to the domain and then click on Add a new DNS record.

Step 2:

You need to first add an A-record.

The Type is A. In the Name field, please enter ts3 and in the Data the IP address of your Teamspeak server.

Step 3:

Then you need to add an SRV record as well. The Name field must contain the name of the service and the protocol (_ts3._udp.) followed be subdomain name like shown in step 2 (ts3).

The Data field must contain the weight (e.g. 0) and the port of your Teamspeak server. The default port of Teamspeak is 9987.

The destination address is the subdomain like shown in step 2.

After the change it could take up to 3 or 4 hours until the new settings are active. Then you can simply connect to your Teamspeak server using the subdomain "ts3.yourdomain.com".
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