CardDAV - Synchronizing address books: How to show the address book settings in WebMail

Step 1:

Log in to your WebMail using your email address and the related password.

Step 2:

In the upper menu, click the Contacts icon.

Step 3:

Create a new address book by clicking on Add address book.

Step 4:

Determine a new name for your new address book. Click OK and the address book will be created.

Step 5:

After the address book has been created, rightclick on the address book name und choose Share address book.

Step 6:

Now you can see the information needed in order to set up your address book with the respective clients via CardDAV.

In order to share the address book now, click on Allow external access.

Step 7:

You still need a password for the CardDAV access to your address book. Click on Edit address book and you can determine an individual password for the address book.

Step 8:

Here you can determine a New password. Confirm the change by clicking the OK button.
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